Microservice foundation Demo
What the heck is Spring Cloud ? An Introduction to building Microservices using Java + Spring Boot
Write Your First Microservice Using Java and Spring Boot | Java microservices | REST API
How Microservices communicate? API BEST practices | Java | Spring Boot | REST API #3
Introducing Load Balancer in Microservices architecture | OpenFeign | Spring Boot | Spring Cloud #4
Java Microservices Concept Walkthrough – Service Discovery and Registration | Spring Cloud Eureka #5
Introducing Spring Cloud EUREKA | HOW TO DISCOVER MICROSERVICES ? Service Discovery | SPRING BOOT #6
JAVA Microservices pattern – How EUREKA works internally ? | Service Discovery | Spring Cloud #7
This is how MICROSERVICES works in real-time ! Spring Cloud Load Balancer + Eureka in action #8
AWS01 – IAM user | EC2 Vs Elastic Beanstack | Deploy spring boot app to AWS [replace it with HD]
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Write Your First Microservice Using Java and Spring Boot | Java microservices | REST API
Microservice foundation Demo
Write Your First Microservice Using Java and Spring Boot | Java microservices | REST API
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